I trust you are keeping well at this time, it is certainly an interesting moment in history. As the world appears to continue its struggle, it is good to know that Jesus is indeed still Lord. He is the everlasting, the author and sustainer of all things good. Those that belong to Him may live with peace and hope every day.
Please see the following reflection from Braid Rathbone concerning Freedom Tour; he has been doing an outstanding job, especially working within the constraints.
Freedom Tour Update – Braidwood Rathbone
“God uses everything for the good of his Kingdom. I have experienced this clearly over the last few months when our plans to hold Freedom Tour were put on hold. But, we felt to move to an online platform and preach the gospel from there. We have now streamed six Freedom Tours showing diverse musical and creative ideas as we share the love of Jesus with whoever may happen to see our posts. God has enabled us to reach so many with the saving gospel through Facebook. People have been received healing, encouragement in the Lord, and many chances to receive Jesus. Our latest stream was a powerful one as I felt clearly from God that I had a word for someone watching. During the stream, a few people reached out to us, and we were able to pray with them and for them, Praise God. These nights have also been a powerful training ground for my team and I. As we look to the future and getting Freedom Tour on the road again, I am more confident than ever that our team is ready to proclaim the gospel to Australia with quality, spirit-filled, gospel tours. The time is now, fall deeper in love with Jesus and show his love to everyone you meet.
God Bless,
Braidwood Rathbone”
Be sure to view our Facebook page to stay up to date with additional content
As you can see, God continues to move; I am excited to see the outreach endeavours that explode in the next months all around the world. We have many in the pipeline, of course, ranging from local Street Eagles, Kenya (CfaN BootCamp), and Freedom Music Festival. Once again, I so appreciate your diligence in prayer and support that make these ventures possible.
I pray you are blessed in Jesus name,